Darwin Baptist Church partners with the following people and their ministry.
due to security reasons not all partners are listed.
Rachel Borneman – Scripture Union & Missions Interlink - NT
Rachel connects mostly with Kriol speakers from the Central Arnhem Highway (the road to Nhulunbuy) i.e. Bulman/Weemol, Beswick, Barunga and Manyallaluk and Werenbun communities.
Rachel helps to encourage the use of the Kriol Bible through:
1. Indigenous Youth Ministry, e.g. “Yangbala Kemp” (Youth camps), Bush Camp and building and maintaining relationships and working with Christian leaders to run these camps based on Bible stories. Rachel puts together resources to equip Indigenous leaders to do youth ministry, including making video clips of Bible story/memory verses (search Kriol on YouTube aboriginalbibles channel).
2. Promoting Kriol language resources, including apps like 5fish, Kriol Baibul (with audio you can listen to), Kriol Pasul, Kriol song book, etc.
3. Building and maintaining relationships with her adopted Indigenous family and supporting Aboriginal Church leaders.
Rachel also serves as a committee member of the Katherine Christian Convention (KCC), which is a large conference for predominantly Indigenous Christians held on the May Day long weekend each year.
Rachel is also the Missions Interlink Ministry coordinator for the NT. Darwin Baptist is a member of Missions Interlink, which entitles people from DBC to associate member rate for ‘Transition Training for Remote Indigenous Ministries’ course (https://missionsinterlink.org.au/events/training/t-trim ) that Rachel has coordinated facilitators from several missions’ organisations to come together to run. If you are interested in serving in missions check out: https://www.missionseek.com.au/ or within the NT https://www.missionseek.com.au/northern-territory-mission/
Contact info
Email: rachel_borneman@wycliffe.org.au
Facebook: Rachel.borneman
Postal Address: PO Box 41914 Casuarina NT 0810
Jude Snelson - Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia & SIL Papua New Guinea
Jude is now based in Ukarumpa, in Papua New Guinea
Jude has served with Wycliffe and SIL for more than 28 years (for part of that time she was based in Darwin and attended DBC). Jude is now based in Ukarumpa, in Papua New Guinea. She works for a translation advisor for the Gulf Cluster program in the Gulf Province of PNG. At present Jude is doing Logistics, finances and project management, but soon she will be moving back to data entry, bookmaking, and updating project information.
In the mornings, Jude works as the Grade 1, Teachers-aide at Primary Campus
of the Ukarumpa International School, serving parents, children and teachers
of both expatriate and Papua New Guinean families, so that the work of bible
translation, literacy and scripture use can move forward.
If you would like to contact Jude to receive her 3-monthly newsletter.
Contact info:
Email: jude_snelson@wycliffe.org.au
Phone Number: +61 492 834 599
Address: SIL, Box 1-169, Ukarumpa, EHP444, Papua New Guinea.
For more information on Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia go to:
Or for Information on the work of SIL in PNG go to: https://silpng.org/
Tony Jenner – Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Charles Darwin University, Darwin
Tony with his wife and children live in Darwin.
Tony does ministry at the Casuarina campus of Charles Darwin University and his office is part of the Scripture Union office that is located at 7 Rowling St Casuarina.
Tony works as a staff worker/Chaplain for the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students at Charles Darwin University. This involves meeting, praying and reading the bible with students through one on one’s, small groups, public meetings and camps.
He also meets regularly with the leaders of the student club CDU Christians (AFES affiliated club at CDU) to encourage, support and provide guidance.
CDU Christians aims to encourage Christians and reach out to non-Christians at CDU.
Tony’s aim is to raise up a generation of young people who will trust in the Lord Jesus, love his word and serve him with their lives.
Contact info
Email: tony.jenner@afes.org.au
Shannon and Mat Anderson and children Beth, Peter, Caleb and Samuel, Baptist Mission Australia, NT
Mat and Shannon are part of the Baptist Mission Australia Outback Team working in the remote community of Kalkarindji.
Mat and Shannon’s main focus is building relationships, learning language and culture and building a strong foundation for the future of ministry in the Outback. Mat is involved in regular church support work, helping the leaders of Kalkarindji Baptist Church in various ways. Shannon works part-time as a Chaplain in the Kalkarindji School, and runs a regular ladies’ bible study. Each year, Darwin Baptist Church young people support Mat and Shannon, and the Kalkarindji Baptist Church by sending a team to assist them in their ministry to the community.
Contact Info...
Email: mandsanderson1@gmail.com
More info on the BMA website: https://www.baptistmissionaustralia.org/Who-we-are/People-Groups/AustralianInterculturalTeam/Mat-and-Shannon
Beth and Danny Hunt, Baptist Mission Australia, NT
Danny and Beth are part of the Baptist Mission Australia Outback Team working in remote Warlpiri and Gurindji communities in the Northern Territory.
Their main focus is in the southern communities of Yuendumu, Ali Curung, Willowra and Murray Downs, a few hours north of Alice Springs. They seek to learn from and support the local Indigenous leaders.
Contact Info...
Email: danny7.hunt@gmail.com
More info on the BMA website: https://www.baptistmissionaustralia.org/Who-we-are/People-Groups/AustralianInterculturalTeam/Danny-and-Beth
Barbara Hodgkinson – Wycliffe Bible Translators, PNG
Barbara has been sent by Wycliffe Bible Translators to work on the Ngaing Bible Translation in PNG.
She does this with the Papua New Guinea Bible Translation Association (BTA).
Barbara spends much of her time in a remote rural village in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, where she works with mother-tongue translators in the
Ngaing language.
When circumstances so require she works from the SIL Center, Ukarumpa in the Eastern Highlands.
Their translation of the Gospel of Mark into Ngaing has been checked by a consultant from the Bible Translation Agency of PNG, and passed with flying colours.
Barbara’s work involves:-
1. Supervising, training and advising national translators working on translating the Bible into the Ngaing language.
2. Consultant checking the translation work of others in PNG.
3. Overseeing vernacular literacy work in the Ngaing language.
4. Encouraging the local people to use the vernacular Scriptures as portions are completed.
The area where Barbara works has no roads, so she does a lot of hiking around the mountains to visit her PNG co-workers to help them in whatever way she can. At times she has been all of Engineer, Doctor, Architect, Mechanic, Electrician, Typist, Builder’s labourer, Gardener, … and more. Sometimes she is actually a Bible translator!
Pray for her and her co-translators, particularly for;
1. Safety in the remote area where lawlessness is rife and police control is almost nil.
2. Encouragement from the Holy Spirit to press on regardless of difficulties.
3. Supply of necessary resources, like funds for necessary helicopter travel, or for laptops for co-translators.
Contact Info
Email: bjhpng@gmail.com
Phone: 0011 675 72661043 (Papua New Guinea)
Postal Address: PO Box 1(137), Ukarumpa EHP 444, Papua New Guinea
Rob & Deb Griffith – Baptist Mission Australia
Rob and Deb are based in a rural village outside of Siem Reap Cambodia. Like most Khmer, their neighbours are predominately Buddhist who see Christianity as a foreigner’s religion.
Since 2016, Rob and Deb have faithfully served amongst the Khmer and are committed to building authentic relationships with their neighbours whilst being immersed in Khmer culture and language. Additionally, they engage with the community through volunteering at the local health clinic and school. Deb volunteers as a midwife and nurse, while Rob uses his agricultural skills working with the school community through a fruit and vegetable garden. Their vision is to see a faith community of Khmer believers, following Jesus in a way that makes sense to within their culture and community.
Contact Info
Email: Rob: robgriffith66@gmail.com Deb: myrtle777.dg@gmail.com
Facebook: Rob Griffith and Deb Thyda Griffith
Postal Address: Siem Reap Post Office PO Box 93122 Cambodia 17252
Support Rob & Deb Griffith Link: https://www.baptistmissionaustralia.org/Who-we-are/People-Groups/Khmer/Rob-and-Deb
David & Carole – Baptist Mission Australia
David and Carole have been serving long term with Global Interaction in S.E. Asia. They are involved with work among three least reached groups whose combined populations number in the tens of millions. They direct an education foundation that employs a number of people and that allows them natural channels to develop relationships and share the good news with those who are yet to hear. David is also the team leader for the Baptist Mission Australia team.
Stuart & Maryanne Cameron - Bible Translators
Stuart assists the Bible Society in the production of Australian Indigenous language Bibles and Bible Engagement resources. He also assists translators and Bible translation organisations with IT and software in Australia and the Pacific.
Maryanne is developing Bible based literacy programs in Australia and the Pacific.
Both Stuart and Maryanne started with Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1998 and worked in Indonesia, where they guided mother-tongue translators to produce the New Testament in the Helong language. Since then they have worked in Australia, at first in Darwin, then in Alice Springs. In order to care for their aging parents they then moved to Qld. and work remotely, travelling as necessary throughout Australia and the Pacific.
164 Glenmount Road, Tanawha, QLD, 4556
Phone, Stuart: 0403 741 776
Darwin Baptist Church also supports other people whose profiles can’t be displayed due to the sensitive nature of their work.
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